Local girl wins part in Netflix Witcher

I have mentioned on several occasion on Facebook Beccy McGhie who does my nails. While having them done in February she told me that she was taking her eldest Ellè to Santa Cruz for an audition for the new Netflix Witcher programme which was to be filmed in the Canary Islands.

After the audition, Beccy thought Ellè had done well because she had the bonus of being born on the island so speaks perfect Spanish as well as perfect English which she speaks at home. So no problems understanding directions from the film crew whatever language they spoke.

It was an exciting time waiting to see whether or not she had the part of the Princess’ childhood friend. And while visiting the UK for her great grandma’s 99th birthday she received an email telling her about her success.

The next step on the walk of fame was to fly to Gran Canaria on Tuesday and start the shoot on Wednesday. Now the filming of this series is a huge secret, to such an extent that participating local companies and municipalities that host the filming have had to sign confidentiality clauses. The same goes for the actors so at the moment there are no photos to post, hopefully, these will be coming very soon.

The only thing we know is the filming took place at the summit of Valsequillo in Gran Canaria and in a very bad video a young girl in a blue dress can just be made out. That is Ellè.

I’m sure she had an amazing experience and will continue to go on to be famous – she deserves to be because she is exceptionally good. But just remember Ellé when the time comes for you to accept your supporting actress Oscar do let everyone know you appeared here first.

For more info on Tenerife read the Red Queen Musings everyone’s favourite Tenerife Blog
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