Plans to end traffic jams include a tram between Adeje and Arona

The Tenerife Sustainable Mobility Plan to put an end to traffic congestion on the island envisages a tramway between Arona and Adeje. It is the most innovative project, never before proposed, in a document that foresees 23 major actions to improve roads and build trains and new light rail systems.

The overall cost is more than €5,000 million, an amount which does not include items such as the reinforcement of public transport and which is equivalent to the five-year budget of the Cabildo of Tenerife.

The plan was published on Friday in the Official Bulletin of the Province (BOP) – so that administrations, groups and individuals can present their ideas.

The actions affect the whole island whose mobility infrastructure is under enormous pressure and in urgent need of modernisation. This causes heavy traffic jams, mainly on the motorways in the north and south.

The closure of the Anillo Insular (€490 million). The mobility roadmap includes three projects to close the Anillo Insular. One is the new road between El Tanque and Santiago del Teide. Work is already underway and is now focusing on the Erjos tunnel. This will connect the sections of the ring road already in service (Adeje-Santiago del Teide and Icod-El Tanque). The second is a road between San Juan de La Rambla, La Guancha and Icod and the third consists of the second carriageway on the TF-1 in the Erques-Santiago del Teide section.

Las Chafiras-Oroteanda junction (€34 million). Las Chafiras is one of the most saturated junctions on the TF-1. The high occupancy of the roundabouts on both sides means the roads that connect with them collapse and generate long queues. Work is now underway on the Oroteanda junction – it is almost finished and the plan for the Las Chafiras junction is still pending.

Burying of the TF-1 at Adeje (€106 million). This major project will help relieve congestion on the TF-1 and change the appearance of one of the most important tourist areas on the island Playa de Las Américas. It will consist of burying three kilometres of the motorway between Las Américas and Miraverde called a ‘false tunnel’. The upper part will be converted into a boulevard with accessible pedestrian walkways, cycle lanes and green areas.

Bypass of the TF-5 (€332 million). The La Laguna ring road consists of a motorway running from Guamasa to Lora y Tamayo. The road would be extended from Guamasa to the Vía de Ronda along the side of the Tenerife Norte airport adjacent to the La Esperanza road.

A bus lane on the motorways (€377 million). The Cabildo plans to build a third lane in each direction on the TF-5 and TF-1 motorways for the exclusive use of buses, taxis and other vehicles with more than two occupants. The northern one would run from Santa Cruz to La Orotava and the southern one between Santa Cruz and Güímar.

Third lane Güímar-Las Américas (€110 million). This third lane without priority for shared transport will link Güímar to the Playa de Las Américas junction and will be associated with the third bus lane on the southern motorway. The Plan foresees this to put an end to traffic jams at points such as Guaza and Los Cristianos.

Santa Cruz-La Laguna ring road (€239 million). This is a road between Santa Cruz and La Laguna to run through the southern edge of the Anaga massif which aims to improve accessibility to this part of the metropolitan area. It would start at the San Andrés dual carriageway (TF-11) and go to the Vía de Ronda (TF-13). It is made up of seven sections of 8.8 kilometres in total.

Mesa Mota Tunnel (€30 million). This project involves the construction of a tunnel to link the municipalities of La Laguna and Tegueste.

Via litoral de Santa Cruz (€50 million). This action will run from Valleseco to the beginning of the Avenida de Anaga. It will create an alternative road that will separate through-traffic from urban and port traffic in the capital. The first phase has already been executed: the improvement of the Avenida de Anaga and the tunnel that goes to the Treasury.

Bypass of the TF-1 between Arona and Adeje (€160 million). This is a bypass to free up and transform the southern motorway between the Parque la Reina junction (Arona) and Adeje into an urban dual carriageway.

Road network of La Laguna and connection of the Port of Los Cristianos (€37 million). These are two smaller but important actions. The first is the La Laguna ring road and includes the sections known as Ronda Noroeste (foothills of the Mesa Mota), Ronda Oeste (under the Tenerife Norte airport), Ronda Sur (parallel to the TF-5 bypass) and reconversion of the TF-5 itself (in the section replaced by the bypass). The second case consists of a new access to the Port of Los Cristianos from the TF-1.

Trains and the new tram lines (€3 billion). The Sustainable Mobility Plan includes the Northern (between Santa Cruz and Los Realejos) and Southern (Santa Cruz-Adeje) train lines, plus new trams and extensions to existing lines. Highlights include a new tramway between Arona and Adeje, which had never been considered until now, a funicular railway in Garachico, the extension of lines 1 and 2 between Santa Cruz and La Laguna and two new lines, line 3 between the Recinto Ferial and Las Teresitas, and line 4, between the Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria and the Añaza district of Chicharras.

Please note this is a translation from SOURCE and I have not included my opinions on any of it!  😇

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2 Responses to Plans to end traffic jams include a tram between Adeje and Arona

  1. Andrew Marten says:

    Another idea is to maybe spend money on finishing “Majon” Hospital,so it becomes totally fully funcional,
    Then traffic going South- North would surely make a considerable reduction.
    Then again,just build a Primark,Carrefour,Alcampo etc,etc somewhere down South here.

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