News in brief

⭕ ‘Slap virus’ has arrived in the Canary Islands. For weeks now, schools across Spain have been reporting an unusual increase in cases of parvovirus B19 infections, just after the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control warned of a wave in 14 EU countries. Parvovirus B19 is a very common disease among children. It has a very characteristic symptom: bright redness of the cheeks. The virus is transmitted by droplets of saliva when talking or coughing.

⭕ Agents of the Guardia Civil belonging to the Santa Cruz Command have investigated a young man aged 20, resident of Sabadell (Barcelona), as the alleged perpetrator of a fraudulent offence valued at €9,445.25, by hacking into the corporate email of a company to receive money. Guardia became aware of the criminal act through a complaint filed by a company representative based in Güímar and discovered the payment was made to a bank account owned by the accused.

⭕ Tenerife native Alexis García is the new Best Master Pastry Chef in Spain (MMAPE) 2024 after he won a competition and earned the highest score in each of the categories he took part in alongside other candidates and whose jury was made up of Oriol Balaguer, Carles Mampel and Jacob Torreblanca.

⭕ The ball on immigration is in the PP’s court and if they can’t bank on it, there is no plan B. After months of back and forth, there is no support from the other autonomous communities to take on a part of the almost 6,000 immigrant minors currently in the Canary Islands’ care. Unfortunately,  around 70,000 migrants are expected to arrive in the Islands by the end of the year, of which almost 7,000 will be unaccompanied minors.

⭕ On Tuesday, the Cabildo of Tenerife signed an agreement with the Ministry of Defense for the prevention of forest fires for the Army to join the tasks of monitoring natural environments. The agreement, named Operation Prometeo, was signed in the Palace of the Captaincy General of the Canary Islands in an event in which several dignitaries attended. The operation will begin on July 1 and will last until September 30, and consist of the Army providing ten daily land patrols made up of two people.

⭕ The Supreme Court has acquitted a resident of Arona convicted of forgery of an official document after alleging that being a foreigner he does not understand Spanish, that he suffers from an 80% disability and after eventually providing new documents to ratify his innocence. The Court agreed to review the initial ruling after the lawyers presented new evidence and has now overturned the conviction.

⭕ ENDESA invest €3.3 million in modernizing and expanding the Los Olivos substation, in Adeje. The comprehensive renovation project covers both the interior and exterior of the station, which serves 12,300 subscribers in the south of Tenerife.

⭕ The Canary Islands are the region of Spain with the highest levels of ultraviolet radiation throughout the year, according to information provided by Aemet. The Ministry of Health says the population should protect themselves from the sun all year round, even on cloudy days, by using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.

⭕ On Tuesday, NC-BC considered it “indecent” that there are more than 800,000 people in social exclusion in the Canary Islands, “a place of happiness for 16 million tourists”, to which the Minister of Social Welfare, Candelaria Delgado, replied “The Canarian Government does not deny that the figures are very worrying. For this reason, we understand that the actions must be effective and comply with regulations, but at the same time we ask that the State comply with its commitments and increase funds to protect the population at risk.”

⭕ During the first half of 2024, Tenerife’s health centres dealt with a total of 3,843,613 consultations. This figure was announced during a Primary Care meeting on the island.

The  MYND Adeje hotel, located in Callao Salvaje in the south of Tenerife, has been recognized with the ‘Best Hotel Management’ award at the TH500 Gala, organized by the B2B publication TecnoHotel after celebrating 500 editions in Madrid. This award is the only one awarded in this contest to a Canarian establishment, underlining the excellence that MYND has achieved since its inauguration.

⭕ Santa Cruz Council has fined a resident €2,250 for feeding pigeons in public. The woman allegedly infringed the Municipal Ordinance Regulating the Protection and Ownership of Animals, which considers this act to be a serious administrative offence punishable by up to €3,000.

Bathers who decide to relieve themselves in the sea at Marbella’s beaches will be fined up to €750. The measure makes up part of the new ordinance for the use and enjoyment of the municipality beaches. What it does not make clear is how urinators will be identified.

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